New Rs 2000 notes have Nano GPS chips to track them buried deep into the earth - ATZ MOBILES



Wednesday 9 November 2016

New Rs 2000 notes have Nano GPS chips to track them buried deep into the earth

New Rs 2000 notes have Nano GPS chips to track them buried deep into the earth

Just as PM Modi was making the announcement to scrap the present Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes in an attempt to render high-value notes as black money useless, WhatsApp warriors got on to their jobs.

Within a few minutes, a rather fantastical explainer on the new Rs. 2000 notes was being circulated.
Here is a part of it (the full text is at the bottom)
The Rs 2000 currency is designed keeping in mind to eradicate the black money issues using state of the art indigenous nano technology, every Rs. 2000 currency note is embedded with a NGC (Nano GPS Chip)
The unique feature of the NGC is it dosent need any power source. It only acts as a signal reflector. When a Satellite sends a signal requesting location the NGC reflects back the signal from the location, giving precise location coordinates, and the serial number of the currency back to the satellite, this way every NGC embedded currency can be easily tracked & located even if it is kept 120 meters below ground level. The NGC cant be tampered with or removed without damaging the currency note
This was being replicated on social media too, with several tweets and FB posts referring to ‘special chips’ or ‘tracking systems’ in them.

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